eComm Press Release Top News Sites


Do you have a new product that you would like featured in a UK news article? Our service ensures your content reaches the right people in the media. Your press release will be sent to editors, reporters, reviewers, and journalists at the top UK newspapers via a trusted domain email address. They will contact you through the business information you provide for any updates on your submission, such as future publications.

What Should Your Press Release Contain?

  • Who? Identify the key players involved, including your company and anyone else associated with the product. Clarify who your news affects and who it benefits.
  • What? Highlight what is new about your product. Explain its unique features and innovations.
  • Why? Describe why this news is important. Share what crucial information it provides and why people need to know about it.
  • Where? Indicate where this news is happening. Mention any relevant locations tied to your product or company.
  • When? Detail the timing of the news. Explain any significant dates or timelines that add importance to your announcement.
  • How? Explain how this product came about. Share the story behind its development and launch.
Once your article is ready, please send it with your order, and Giant E Comm will ensure it gets the attention it deserves.
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Product Details

Do you have a new product that you would like featured in a UK news article?

Your content will be sent to editors, reporters, reviewers, and journalists, including editors of the top UK newspapers, via a trusted domain email address, who will contact you via any business information that you provide regarding any updates on your submission, such as future publications.

What Should Your Press Release Contain?

  • Who? Who are the key players—your company, anyone else involved with the product? Who does your news affect, and who does it benefit?
  • What? What is new?
  • Why? Why is this important news? What does it tell people that they need to know?
  • Where? Where is this happening?
  • When? What is the timing of this? Does this add significance?
  • How? How did this come about?

Once you stage your article, please send it with this order, and Giant eComm will get the ball rolling.

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